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105 search results for Video

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Broadcast AV Education at InfoComm 2025

InfoComm provides a comprehensive look at the broadcast ecosystem.


InfoComm 2025

InfoComm 2025 in Orlando, FL


What's the Easiest Way to Caption and Transcribe YouTube Videos?

Captions are crucial for making YouTube videos accessible and enhancing SEO. They help reach a broader audience, including those with hearing impairments. Enhancing your video's inclusivity through accurate captions leads to a more engaged and diverse audience, offering both ethical and SEO benefits.


Digital Asset Management: Guide for Video Production

Summary: In video production, collaboration is key. The right digital asset management (DAM) software offers features like asset sharing and library creation, keeping assets organized and secure on a centralized platform. This organization saves time, reduces stress, and ensures timely project completion.


What Is a Corporate Videographer?

Corporate video production is key for brand visibility and engagement. Hiring a skilled videographer helps build trust and enhance SEO. Corporate videography focuses on storytelling, while commercial videography markets products. Effective videos can significantly boost customer reach, with 93% of businesses finding new clients through them.


Encoding vs Decoding: How Do They Differ in Video Production?

Navigating video production involves mastering encoding and decoding. Encoding compresses raw video for distribution, while decoding restores it for playback. Both processes require compatible codecs to balance quality, speed, and device compatibility, ensuring optimal performance across platforms.


Corporate Video Production: A Guide to Making High-Quality Videos for your Business

High-quality corporate video is vital for engaging customers and staff today. Choose a production company with proven work that aligns with your brand. Use strategic distribution and consider emerging technologies for competitive advantage. Effective videos enhance brand perception and drive sales.


The Shift from Hardware to Software Codecs: Five Ways It’s Revolutionizing the Digital Media Landscape

As more companies embrace cloud applications, the transition from hardware to software codecs has become a compelling choice.


The AV Inside This Iconic Barcelona Tower Can Change Your View of the City

While you may be familiar with the Torre Glòries in Barcelona due to the colorful show it puts on at night, it's the AV on the inside that's going to truly change how you view the city!


Image System Contrast Ratio Standard: The Four Viewing Categories

When designing an AV display system, the most important thing is that the solution fits the needs of the client. This means ensuring that the content is optimally displayed, regardless of what AV technology is used.


ISE22 - Masterclass: Generation of virtual 3D content for the Metaverse from 2D images and videos - AV Experience Zone


Learn about the latest research being done to make content within the Metaverse more realistic using 2D images and video. Presented by: Dr. Jaume Gallego Vila. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ESEIAAT-UPC


Progettazione e simulazione di meeting room e ambienti collaborativi attraverso la realtà virtuale


Gli eventi virtuali e ibridi sono stati sempre più ricercati negli ultimi tempi per via della situazione pandemica. Da questa esigenza si possono ottenere grandi risultati anche per il futuro, se si studia il modo migliore e corretto di svolgere la progettazione senza mai perdere di vista l’obiettivo finale. I questo webinar vengono presentate le principali best practice di progettazione e realizzazione di ambienti virtuali. Webinar a cura di Michele Fucci e Andrea Nadalini di WhatWeAre. 8 giugno 2022


Dalla tecnologia al progetto integrato: come creare una "Exceptional Experience"


Le migliori tecnologie AV sono un ingrediente fondamentale per garantire un'esperienza eccezionale, ma soltanto se sono parte di un progetto integrato che le armonizzi con il contesto specifico, tenendo conto della tipologia di contenuto, del profilo dell'audience e degli obiettivi di comunicazione che ci si pone. Quali sono i fattori chiave per la progettazione e la realizzazione di un’esperienza che sia “exceptional”? Partiremo da alcune basi storiche e approfondiremo poi gli aspetti progettuali e le esigenze dei diversi tipi di utente. Webinar a cura di Giuliana Geronimo di Streamcolors e Roberto Vogliolo di Redrim. 28 aprile 2022