Want to reach 1,000 potential applications? Register to post your job openings.
Benefits of Recruiting Through AVIXA
Streamline your search by going straight to the job site for AV professionals. By recruiting with us, you will have access to the resumes of people who are dedicated to the AV industry.
After registering at our job site, you will be able to:
- Post internships and browse student profiles
- Post jobs in our searchable database
- Conduct targeted searches for candidate resumes and access them online
- Easily manage job postings and get job actvity reports
- Receive email notifications when new resumes match your criteria
No matter where you are in your career, AVIXA has you covered.

AV professionals are in the experience business – combining content, space, and technology to craft an event, communicate a message, elicit a response, create an understanding, give people a reason to cheer or move them to tears.
So that is awesome – but what would you actually be doing all day? Well, that all depends. In the AV world, there are lots of different kinds of jobs – and new ones are being created every day.

Many students are looking into pathways that don't require degrees. Together, we can help students find a great job in AV.
AVIXA, and its foudnation, partners with education institutions to develop a larger pool of qualified AV professionals

Young Professionals
If you're starting out in the industry, AVIXA has resources, programs, and training to help you open more doors.
Explore Young AV Professionals CouncilTake Introductory TrainingTake the AV Technologist TestEarn the CTS CredentialFind Internships and Jobs
Changing Careers: AV Industry Facts
Good news! The AV industry is growing.
According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, there were more than 210,000 AV-related jobs in 2015 – with a projected increase to 227,000 jobs by 2024.
If you're looking to change careers, you're also in luck. Many people find themselves in the industry through another career path. You could even earn industry-recognized credentials before you begin your job search. That would really make you stand out. We can help you get to where you want to be.
Contact us to have a one-on-one conversation about how you can start your training.
Advancing Your Career
To advance in the industry, you need a solid understanding of the fundamentals of AV. With a variety of general knowledge modules, AVIXA has a training track to help you meet your career goals.
Explore TrainingTake the AV Technologist Test
If you want to increase your earning potential and open doors, earning at CTS credential can help you.
Learn More About the CTS Credential
Networking with others in the industry and lending your expertise to volunteer groups can also help you build relationships and earn valuable expertise.
AV Companies
Wondering how you can help the growth of the AV industry?
Here are a few key ways you can assist:
- Share the story of AV careers at local schools in your area
- Visit local career fairs or opportunities to showcase your company as a leader in the industry
- Partner with maker-spaces, coding camps, STEM programs, etc., in your region
- Work with AVIXA to get our curriculum in your school (or a school near you)
Invest in Your Employees
Show your employees that you are invested in them and their career by becoming an AVIXA enterprise member and giving them the training benefits they need. With access to training (including CTS Prep Online!) they can prepare for the CTS credential and even wrok toward the CTS-D and CTS-I specialized credentials.
With more CTS-certified staff, not only will they benefit, but also your organization.