AV Events
Mastering AV Service Management – the Operational Manager Certificate Virtual Classroom
Choose from Group 1 or Group 2.
Operational Manager Certificate (MASM-OMC) is packed full of the hard, how-to detail of the skills you need as a manager of a technical workgroup in an AV context. More advanced and complex than Aspiring Manager Certificate -AMC,
this will describe the very building blocks of your workgroup, its resources, and the services it must produce. It will indicate what to measure and how, and importantly how to get the best out of your technicians by offering improvements to their
job satisfaction. These are the practicalities of building, managing, leading and sustaining a successful technical workgroup.
Who should attend?
Heads of any AV technical workgroup – either in-house or as service provider - where tech support resolutions and conducting projects are part of the typical workload, especially where that
work comprises interaction with end users and corporate authorities.
What you will learn:
- Workgroup leadership, consisting of orchestration of department resources and representation of the workgroup to the business, both as service provider and for dovetailing with shadow IT and vendor-provided escalation routes.
- Employee management, including staff development, setting and monitoring production and productivity expectations, governing workload variety, skills redundancy, scheduling non-reactive work, motivation and job satisfaction.
- Informed decision-making, including key performance indicators, critical success factors and other statistical analyses to get beyond service levels into throughput parameters; and to match service delivery with customer satisfaction.
- Lead the department from the front, to represent it according to your vision for its position, role and standing to its host organization, clients and users.
- Anticipate demand and orchestrate resources both within and outside the immediate workgroup to meet that demand in accordance with true need and affordability.
- Orchestrate a workforce and other resources to ensure the workgroup’s entire workload is appropriately staffed so that nothing gets missed and all priorities are met, for both reactive and project work.
- Identify, measure, monitor and act upon key performance indicators and use statistical functions against these to inform management decisions in correcting and improving service, not just after-the-fact (Management Information) but also in real time (Decision Support); use these to regulate and improve workload throughput as a vital contribution to eventual achieved service-levels.
- Use a seven-stage skillset management program to commoditize technical knowledge so that it can be imparted at the appropriate level; use this to eradicate Single Points of Failure, remove bottlenecks, increase skills redundancy, increase departmental service versatility, and replace management technical responsibilities to increase management involvement and quality.
How is it delivered?
MASM is blended learning, a mix of independent study and online tutorials. Note that the tutorials are not teaching sessions, but merely to check understanding and run quizzes. The candidate is issued in advance with the 60,000-word workbook, in PDF format.
This ‘Body of Knowledge’ contains all the slides, accompanying text, and quizzes to help you prepare for the examination. The candidate will study a portion of the book, before attending an online tutorial.
Attention! You will have to study the course contents on your own schedule, without the instructor's company. The tutorials are follow-up sessions of the previously studied content.
There are two groups to choose from:
Group 1
Introduction (up to 1 hour) - Friday, April 4 08:00am ET
Tutorial 1 (up to 2½ hours) - Friday, April 11 08:00am ET
Tutorial 2 (up to 2½ hours) - Friday, April 25 08:00am ET
Tutorial 3 and examination (up to 2½ hours) - Friday, May 9 08:00am ET
Group 2
Introduction (up to 1 hour) - Friday, April 4 11:00am ET
Tutorial 1 (up to 2½ hours) - Friday, April 11 11:00am ET
Tutorial 2 (up to 2½ hours) - Friday, April 25 11:00am ET
Tutorial 3 and examination (up to 2½ hours) - Friday, May 9 11:00am ET
After you register, you’ll get a confirmation email. Please reply with your group preference*. Note that after the course begins, you cannot switch between groups. You must continue at the same time for all the sessions.
*Please note that if we do not reach the minimum number of participants in each group, we may need to merge the two groups into one. The combined session would then be scheduled for 11:00 AM Eastern time.
*Class recordings are for internal purposes only and are not available to registrants.
Register Now:
CTS: 8| Max: 8
List Price/Basic: USD $900
Premium/Elite: USD $810
Noel Bruton is a UK-based independent consultant and trainer, specializing in the management of technology support workgroups. He is a bestselling author of books in this field. His experience is sought by commercial and public service organizations, conferences, press and broadcast media around the world. He has been in IT since 1979 and advising corporations on improving IT.
Event Information
04 Apr - 09 May 2025
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time
AVIXA Training
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