BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 15.1//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Singapore Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240101 TZNAME:Malay Peninsula Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:+0800 TZOFFSETTO:+0800 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Whichever kind of live event you're producing\, whether it is d elivering online classes\, hosting corporate town halls\, or streaming a s ports event &ndash\; the bar for live video production has never been high er. Audiences expect engaging\, high-quality experiences whether they're i n the room or tuning in remotely. For Pro AV professionals\, this high bar means navigating tighter budgets\, shorter timelines\, and expectation of broadcast level quality&mdash\;all while delivering productions that capt ivate and engage. Join us as we unpack the biggest trends and challenges i n live video production today and explore innovative solutions &ndash\; su ch as Vizrt&rsquo\;s latest &lsquo\;TriCaster Vizion&rsquo\; &ndash\; that equip you to deliver on the ever-expanding demands of live event producti ons. From producing professional-grade graphics effortlessly to integratin g AI-driven tools that make you stand out&mdash\; this webinar is for AV p rofessionals who want to refine their skills and deliver exceptional hybri d live productions. Learning Objective:1. Staying Agile and Ready for Anyt hing: Tackle the ever-changing demands of live events. Vizrt brings you so mething Vizionary&mdash\;a system built for flexibility with configurable SDI I/O\, IP connectivity\, and adaptable hardware\, ready to evolve with any project Learning Objective 2. Dealing with Tight Timelines and Limited Resources: Explore an all-in-one solution that cuts down your reliance on multiple systems\, letting you maximize efficiency without sacrificing qu ality 3: Ensuring Broadcast-Ready Quality Every Time: Achieve polished\, p rofessional productions with industry-leading graphics and AI tools like g aze correction and keying\, ensuring top-tier quality with ease.Register N owSponsored by:Presenters:Jonno SeaPre-Sales Consultant\, VizrtJonno Sea i s a Pre-Sales Consultant at Vizrt\, specializing in live production\, NDI& reg\;\, and cloud-based solutions. Based in Sydney\, Australia\, he brings over 25 years of experience in professional audio\, lighting\, and video for live events. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by cont ent creators\, production houses\, corporate AV technicians\, and broadcas ters\, Jonno provides expert guidance tailored to their needs. Through his advisory roles in Vizrt product teams\, including NDI®\; and TriCaster ®\;\, he contributes to developing solutions that empower storytellers at every level. \;Elango Ramachandran\, \;Pre-Sales Consultant\, V izrt \;Elango Ramachandran is a seasoned Pre-Sales Consultant at Vizrt with over a decade in the ProAV and Broadcast industries\, specializing i n audio and video solutions. He works with clients across various industri es to implement both on-prem and cloud-based solutions that bring their vi sions to life. With a strong technical background and a deep understanding of client needs\, Elango delivers tailored solutions that drive business success. Passionate about innovation\, he excels at turning challenges int o seamless solutions and is committed to helping customers navigate the fa st-changing world of media technology. \; \; DTEND:20250319T060000Z DTSTAMP:20250314T115438Z DTSTART:20250319T050000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Webinar: Let's Talk Live Event Production 2025 UID:RFCALITEM638775500788386757 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Whichever kind of live event you're produci ng\, whether it is delivering online classes\, hosting corporate town hall s\, or streaming a sports event &ndash\; the bar for live video production has never been higher. Audiences expect engaging\, high-quality experienc es whether they're in the room or tuning in remotely.
For Pro AV pr ofessionals\, this high bar means navigating tighter budgets\, shorter tim elines\, and expectation of broadcast level quality&mdash\;all while deliv ering productions that captivate and engage. Join us as we unpack the bigg est trends and challenges in live video production today and explore innov ative solutions &ndash\; such as Vizrt&rsquo\;s latest &lsquo\;TriCaster V izion&rsquo\; &ndash\; that equip you to deliver on the ever-expanding dem ands of live event productions.
From producing professional-grade g raphics effortlessly to integrating AI-driven tools that make you stand ou t&mdash\; this webinar is for AV professionals who want to refine their sk ills and deliver exceptional hybrid live productions.
Learn ing Objective:
1. Staying Agile and Ready for Anything: Tac kle the ever-changing demands of live events. Vizrt brings you something V izionary&mdash\;a system built for flexibility with configurable SDI I/O\, IP connectivity\, and adaptable hardware\, ready to evolve with any proje ct Learning Objective
2. Dealing with Tight Timelines and Limited R esources: Explore an all-in-one solution that cuts down your reliance on m ultiple systems\, letting you maximize efficiency without sacrificing qual ity
3: Ensuring Broadcast-Ready Quality Every Time: Achieve polishe d\, professional productions with industry-leading graphics and AI tools l ike gaze correction and keying\, ensuring top-tier quality with ease.
< h3>Register NowSponsored by: p>
Jonno Sea
Pre-Sales Consultant
\, Vizrt
Jonno Sea is a Pre-Sales Consultant at Vizrt\, specializing
in live production\, NDI®\;\, and cloud-based solutions. Based in Sydne
y\, Australia\, he brings over 25 years of experience in professional audi
o\, lighting\, and video for live events. With a deep understanding of the
challenges faced by content creators\, production houses\, corporate AV t
echnicians\, and broadcasters\, Jonno provides expert guidance tailored to
their needs. Through his advisory roles in Vizrt product teams\, includin
g NDI®\; and TriCaster®\;\, he contributes to developing solutions t
hat empower storytellers at every level. \;
Elango Ramachandran\, \;<
Pre-Sales Consultant\, Vizrt \;
Elango Ramachandran
is a seasoned Pre-Sales Consultant at Vizrt with over a decade in the Pro
AV and Broadcast industries\, specializing in audio and video solutions. H
e works with clients across various industries to implement both on-prem a
nd cloud-based solutions that bring their visions to life. With a strong t
echnical background and a deep understanding of client needs\, Elango deli
vers tailored solutions that drive business success. Passionate about inno
vation\, he excels at turning challenges into seamless solutions and is co
mmitted to helping customers navigate the fast-changing world of media tec